
Program Element

Snack Time: Everyday at the beginning of Rise students have snack time. We provide snack for all of the students enrolled in our program.

Classroom Connections: Students are given designated time during Rise to complete their homework. Group Leaders work with students to assist them in completing their homework.

Opening Circle and God Time: Every week during Rise students focus on a “Big Idea”. The Big Idea is a life lesson that is taught from a Biblical perspective. Big Ideas are taught during Opening Circle which is a large group setting where students are introduced to the Big Idea via videos, games, instruction or activities. Then they break into Small Groups where they dive deeper into the Big Idea.

Electives: Once a week, students are able to choose electives that they want to participate in. Our goal with electives is to introduce students to new activities broaden their horizons and help them explore new skills!

S.T.E.A.M. Every week a variety of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematic opportunities are provided to Rise students. Students explore these focuses through engaging and hands on activities.


Family Registration Fee - $50 (yearly; non-refundable)

Monthly Tuition - $240 ($40 discount per sibling)


Movement School - Eastland

Movement School - Freedom

Movement School - Southwest

Movement School - Northwest